Children of all ages from across Waltham Forest have created life-sized monsters for a brand new project.

Visit the Monstrous Assembly 16 - 24 November at The View, Epping Forest visitors centre, E4 7QH

Working with local artist Esther Neslen, the children built these monsters from scratch - designing, making and sculpting in clay in a series of workshops throughout March-October. 

Ten schools from the Borough took part: 

Belmont Park

Frederick Bremer School

Heathcote School

Low Hall Nursery

Whitehall School

Edinburgh School

Henry Maynard School

Willow field School

Connaught School

Jenny Hammond

This is a project to drag our fears into the light, to explore them together and fashion something transcendent from them. There are historical, literary, cultural, psychological and social themes to explore along the way. Together the finished works will offer a journey through childhood, exploring the evolving nature of our imaginations and our realities.

The finished works will be fired and displayed together for a Monstrous Assembly, accompanied by a sound piece that incorporates the processes of making and the monster stories. After the exhibition, the monsters will return to the schools where they were made to live

Part of the Make it Happen Fellowship Funding programme.