Make it Happen Projects 2021

We are extremely pleased to announce that we have awarded 14 Make It Happen grants to arts and culture projects across the borough. The grants total an amazing £100,000 and build on the work of Waltham Forest as London’s first Borough of Culture. So, as well as creating cultural events and engagement for everyone to enjoy, the projects also generate work for those in the creative industries many of whom have been hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The projects will range from a photography exhibition exploring the lives of Black Artisans to supporting live music to a fortnight dedicated to exploring mushrooms and fungus! 

Many of the projects will focus on young people and giving them a creative outlet. They include dance, photography, mural making, signed bedtime stories, and a music and visual arts summer school at Whipps Cross Hospital’s Acorn Ward.

And Doorstep Carnival is back! The socially-distanced Carnival parade – enjoyed by 700 households in 2020 - will bring some much-needed cheer to residential streets again this summer.

Congratulations to those projects that were awarded a grant and here’s some information on each of them and how you and your family can get involved.

Follow @wfculture19 on Instagram or Twitter so you don’t miss out on these great events. 


Photo credit: Richard Davenport

Make it Happen Projects